Maintenance software for you

For whom is our maintenance software intended?

We are there for everyone that deals with maintenance processes. McMain is made for and by engineers with love for their field. Every day, we strive to clarify, digitalize and automate everything connected to maintenance. That’s how we aim, together with you, for optimal process and asset management.

  • Save time on maintenance
  • On average 3 to 8% cost reduction
  • Compile your own package modularly
  • 30 years of experience with Maintenance Software
  • Consultation and cooperation: that's what motivates us
  • Unique experience: 30 day free trial

Experiences and applications in maintenance processes

Overview and clarity, these are core values of our software. That’s why we want make clear how our maintenance software can be applied to your sector. We believe in the power of our software and our customers do as well. Customers from differing sectors will speak about the added value and the tangible result that our software provides for their maintenance processes.

Let us take you through the stories of our McMain users

When it is time for a new phone or television, we are often looking for reviews. How did someone else experience the product and what are the biggest advantages? The last 30 years we have collected a lot of great success stories of our McMain users. We are happy to share those stories with you. There is nothing quite like someone’s own story. It will inspire you and may bring clarity when multiple options are on the table.

Dive with McMain into the stories of our users and discover how they introduced the software to their team and which steps they want to take next.

Our Maintenance Management software in different sectors

Inkoop en voorraadbeheer software
Packing industry
McMain Software consultancy
Service management
Government & semi-government
Milieu & recycling
Industrie en productie software
Industry & production
Food & feed
Onderhoudssoftware energiesector
Oil, gas & energy
Chemistry & pharma



Our specialist Roel Tiekink is happy to show you McMain Online. During a demonstration he will show how McMain works and brainstorm how your organization can improve efficiency with digital maintenance.

Request a demo
Would you rather experience McMain for free for 30 days
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The online demonstration usually takes about 1,5 hours.  During that time, you’ll get a tour of the main features of the software and you can ask all your questions related to the software and digital maintenance.

Yes, you can. It is possible to import data from other software into McMain, so you can keep using your current data.

Yes, McMain has an internal export tool which can export data trouble-free from McMain to other formats.

Yes, that’s possible. You can set up a profile for each user in McMain Online that matches treir role.

A trial allows you to use all functionalities of McMain Online for 30 days. During a demonstration, one of our product specialists will walk you through the software and answer all your questions in an online meeting.